Love Music Love Me

Saturday 29 December 2012


hey hey '____'

bbq =)

we go wanqi house bbq yesterday
i think she invite more than 10 people to her house
only 6 people show up
and our miss jw force to go back earlier
so left 5 people
so pity
actually yesterday we all have fun
everyone want to eat cheese hotdog
haha so am i
chicken and corn we just bbq for fun
conveniently for wanqi's relative

i got you

we try something special and nice after that
look down

connie's special
we bbq spagetti
a bit weird but its nice

Friday 21 December 2012


21.12.2012 = world end ?!
no no no
i'm still alive
so as you
if not you shoudn't see this post
maybe there's something wrong with Maya's calender
now there's many jokes on Facebook
all about world end
  • i'm still alive!!!
  • which stupid had gone all his money yesterday?
  • fake Maya's calender
  • the newspaper said Malaysia will world end on tomorrow 2pm
so many until i can't remember it all
world end for me is NOTHING
how if its true?
erm, i would like to say its a good thing for me
why ?!
because i can escape from my SPM next year
haha =D
don't worry about the world end
it will be fine
Cheer up ! >.<

Check this out, 2012-Jay Sean ft. Nicki Minaj

Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Wanted

The Wanted
L to R: Tom, Siva, Jay, Max and Nathan

The Wanted-an English-Irish boy band,formed in 2009. The group consists of members Max George, Nathan Sykes, Tom Parker, Jay McGuiness and Siva Kaneswaran. Let's start following them with me.

these days i really crazy about them
they are coming to Malaysia on 29 December
but i think i will miss the chance to see them

according to the vote
their hit song is-Glad You Came
i love this song too
you shall try it too
click the video down there and feel it

do you like it?
if your answer is yes keep on reading and use to know more about them

now let's get know about the members

 Max George, 6 September 1988 (age 24)
 *grew up with his famiy in Manchester

Siva Kaneswaran, 16 November 1988 (age 24)
*grew up in Blanchardstown, Dublin

Jay McGuiness, 24 July 1990 (age 22)
*grew up in Newark, Nottinghamshire

Tom Parker, 4 August 1988 (age 24)
*grew up in Bolton

Nathan Sykes, 18 April 1993 (age 19)
*the yougest member in the group, grew up in Abbeydale, Gloucester
(he is the one that i love the most)

check them out more on

Wednesday 21 November 2012


hi everyone >.<
i know it's been a long time since my last updated
holidays have coming about a month already
but i fell so boring
everyday tv, facebook, youtube, eat, sleep
then nothing else to do already
and i become a useless people
very lazy
housework also don't want help my mum to do
just know eat, play and sleep
hate myself these day
i got no determine to do anything
before the holidays
i said to myself your result is SHIT
you need to improve if you want your dream life
then i made my plan to study
you know what
i just do it for a day
lazy people
you need to sit for SPM next year
you need to work harder than before
wake up you
you can do it when UPSR
why can't you do the samething today
because you are older now?!
you just 16
don't get excuse for yourself
please start study now
don't cry over the sprit milk after that

Thursday 1 November 2012

Run for JIT SIN

my old friend——joephai
try something crazy before our form 4's holiday
he plan to play at jit sin
at first i think he's carzy
but i'm a fans of this show
so i go support him

today really crazy
we play this game THREE times
almost 1800 minutes
first two time i play as runner
walao just about 10 minutes i already in the "jail"
not really jail la
just at upper concourse
but really fun
especially when you see the hunter(s) go and catch someone else
then at the third time
i decided to play as hunter
at first i think will be more fun to catch someone then been caught
but i was wrong
i can't even catch one person at all
i saw them
i run
they run
then they disappear
i think i'm very terrible on this game
runner and hunter also can't do well
but i hope to play that again

Wednesday 31 October 2012

《最美的 徒劳无功》

最近看到一本新书——《最美的 徒劳无功》
没有钱 lolz


Monday 22 October 2012

Oppa Jota Style

long long time no upload
sorry ya
now finally got time
just back from jota camp
love jota more and more
this year really crazy
me only sleep 5 hour during this camp
but still very high every time except department meeting
and still go shopping for a while after camp
subcamp india is supreme
we about 80 people
we fight win 500++ participants
crazy right?
that's why we call subcamp india
hooray for subcamp india
knew more frends this year
and more cmt
cmt really crazy
and we know some secret of them this year
photos no upload yet
will post next time

Thursday 20 September 2012


Now at IT class...
others are busying doing  assessment
but i had done at the previous class
very boring la
really boring

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Merdeka Hike + Starwalk

Wake up... 
Still got a bit sleepy... 
But once i remember today i'm going to Mengkuang Dam and have a run about 5km... 
Oh yeah... 
felt excited 
But after that run... 
No more excited element along the way i run 
Just like loses of energy 

 Time:about 4.00pm
Just reach peifen house 
After take bath, we got nothing to do 
Then about boring 1 hour,we start watching Reborn 
Then like attack by virus 
None stop of watching Reborn until 9.00pm 


Wake up 
Preparing to Starwalk 

Starwalk for competition start 
Unstoppable walking for 2 hours 
Once reach the finish line 
I fell like all my cells on my leg had die 

Time:don't know
Go 1st avenue 
Cause too many people at Times Square 
Although leg very painful but still go window shopping 

go ride ferry 
ride Rapid bus 

----------Trip End---------- 

Conclusion:Merdeka Hike + Starwalk = Leg pain

Thursday 13 September 2012

100th Doraemon

hi! long time no bloging already
this time i'm gonna show you something fantastic
this year 2012
very special right?
and its our childhood cartoon - Doraemon's 100th birhtday
let's sing birthday song for it
Doratch had designed two limited edition Doraemon watch for Doraemon fans to celebrate its birthday
that what i said it's fantastic
i love it so much
i can't buy it
#1 no money
#2 its already too late when i know the news
but never mind i will keep the photo of that watch
to make myself feel better
just now i go search for 'Doratch'
and OMG !!!
there's still many limited edition Doraemon watch
they are so amazing
and now let me show you what did i called FANTASTIC
100th Limited Edition
love this

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Berapit Camp

went to school prepared
i think that day will be very busy
but not till one hour everything packed
then nothing to do so we just chat
about 2pm sue hsian just come
don't know who said want 1pm come
always like that
so we all ignore her straight go eat our lunch
be there till 3pm
too bad just show but we need to leave
then bus come
berapit here we came
that night cannot sleep!!!
don't know who talk whole night...
suddenly got people shout...
4am got someone handphone rang...
chicken dance song...walao
that night very cold
so 5am wake up already

eat breakfast >.<
after that nothing to do
that's true
everyone preparing for their station
my station is marching

i got nothing to prepare
so anyone need hand i will go
small campfire before end is very fun
although it's simple but memorial

then start pack home
bad thing start happen
i cut my finger
still pain now
my friends help me stop the bleeding
though that ...guys you are very awesome
don't know what to say
anyway thank you so much on that

Thursday 26 July 2012

Finally Exam Finish

finally exam finish
after fighting for 4 days
sleep for only 3 hours per day
read books hardly everyday
finally it's over
i can have a sweet dream tonight
no more books
well this time some quite good some totally bad
i don't know
i didn't get the result yet
i just wanna to go camping without any worry about my test

i'm coming
Berapit One Day Camp
see you later...

Tuesday 24 July 2012


what is that ?
i don't know either
just create it few minute ago
maybe i just don't get the use of it now
i think is a kind of website for me to upload my status
just like facebook
maybe i will like it when i get use of it
i don't know
no ones know about what will happen in the next second
maybe God even don't know sometimes
so why don't you give your first step now
log onto now
and create your creative plurk there

Monday 2 July 2012

Euro Cup 2012

the final of the Euro cup 2012
i saw it morning 2.45am
LIVE at home
Spain vs Italy
well, actually i support Italy
Spain won the game
4 amazing Spain players shoot the goal
two goal in each round
congratulation to all Spain players
now fell a bit sleepy
but i still need to study
maybe i will accidently fall asleep
when my teacher in teaching

Sunday 1 July 2012


Plot Summary: It's Yui Hirasawa's first year in high school, and she's eagerly searching for a club to join. At the same time, Ritsu Tainaka, a drummer, and her friend Mio Akiyama, a bassist, are desperately trying to save the school's light music club, which is about to be disbanded due to lack of members. They manage to recruit Tsumugi Kotobuki to play the keyboard, meaning they only need one more member to get the club running again. Yui joins, thinking it will be an easy experience for her to play the castanets, the only instrument she knows. However, the other members think their new addition is actually a guitar prodigy... 

knew this anime from one of my friend
he is a anime big big fans
i start watch this anime on 1st July
wow that's amazing
and i keep on watching it
finished episode 4 already
i like the character Yui Hirasawa
she is so cute
maybe you will think that she is very childish
but i don't care
i still like her
no matter what you say

NIE 2012

the cover-Another team
long time no blogging already
well, last month busying on my NIE magazine
this year we need to do according the title
that is 'Why English ?'
i think my team are very cool on it
we just use about 3 days time to finish it
because we are super girls
we cooperate all the times
thank you so much girls
and now we are waiting for the pizza hut voucher
and hang out together
inside page-Another team
 rock it

comic-Another team

Sunday 3 June 2012

Secret Garden

i love it sooooooooooooo much
when the first time i heard it from my friends
i didn't get any interesting on it
but well it's on the tv show now
so why don't i try it?
after the first watch
wow... that's amazing
it doesn't look like what i imaging before i watch it
it 's a kind of series of comedy romantic
how beautiful it is

i like that guy acted as Kim Joo Won-Hyun Bin
oh...he is so handsome
my comment for his style-COOL
i love that guy
i laugh very hard especially when he changed his spirit with Gil Ra Im
i always said "OH MY GOD"
his too cute when he acted as Gil Ra Im
so why don't you try it

Secret Garden

Hyun Bin

funny Kim Joo Won 

Monday 28 May 2012


16 May
My birthday >.<
i'm 16 now...
can learn how to ride motor now...
but very unlucky this year
birthday also need study
can't even have a break for myself
so bad so sad
no cake no celebration
at least i have best wishes from all my friends...
sms...facebook...and more
for those who wish me though sms...thanks for spending 10sen to me
for those who wish me though facebook...thanks for not studying and open facebook
for those who wish me when u met me...thanks for hanging out from class
for those who didn't wish me...never mind...i know you are a good very hard until you forget my birthday

27 May
my siao kia daddy birthday
he forget his own birthday...
i think he is too tied on his work...
never mind we give him a surprise
we go buy a cake...

Happy Birthday Daddy

Saturday 21 April 2012

21 April 2012 AGM & Anniversary

today miss bus again...
very gai right?
this is the second time i miss bus in this week...

weixuan just now you are so pretty...
kesian that kuali make you just look like ninja turtle...
*kidding only don't angry...>.<
then go meet patrol PL & ADV
mingxi madam made beautiful cards for us...
thank you so much...
Bougainvillea Patrol is the BEST !!!
meet ka...
yeah yeah...
present a lot...
My KA - Yee Swat madam

My KA present

present for my KA

meet form adviser...
Xinwei madam & Suxian madam
thanks for everything you have done for us...
we will always love you
Love You Forever

53rd Anniversary
凝结  那些年

thank you madam for everything you all have done...
no matter what is it we still appreciate...
without you...
i won't be here...
without you...
i 'm nothing...
so thank you madam...
we shall never say goodbye...

because without you my world is grey...
only you can make my world colourful...

because our memories full fill with you...
it's only complete with you...
you can't go...
we will always LOVE you

Sunday 15 April 2012

Meaningful Day

well long time no bloging...
so hi i'm back
yesterday very meaningful...
morning had a run at school...
bad luck...i miss my bus...
so i came to school a bit late...
oh yeah!
i got no. 31 this year...
that's amazing...
last year i got no. 54...
oh my god...
i had break my record...
i can't imaging it...
as usual i never get lucky prize this year...
but congratulation to those who are lucky...

next go hang out with my guides' and scouts' friends...
actually we had a celebration party there...
but i think that's didn't look like our celebration...
a part of them go subway but some of them go soul garden...
not cooperate at all...
but at least at 4pm we go 园游会 together...
that zihui very no manner...
she use my phone online...
she don't want let me see what she surfing...
but when i'm using ...
she want to see what's i'm surfing...?!
and her leg is stepping on mine leg when she use my phone to online...
what the hell...
quexing i think u very cute still want balloon...
we met i very nice girl there...
she is a volunteer of the green & blue group...
from kuala lumpur...
we had learnt we must reduce reuse and allocate our waste...
let's go green together...

Wednesday 4 April 2012

2012 Singing Competition

3 April...
got many siao kia come to fight their fate...
many form 1 sing gracefully...
they got an amazing voice...
and 5 people from Siasui Band...
come there sia sui =.=
last year they still shy they come out as a gang-the Siasui Band...
on the talent show

Sunday 1 April 2012

11/12 Gathering-2012 The Day After Tomorrow

start from the day we vote for our pose in gathering...
we had go though 165 days...
can't expect right?
in the process...
we laugh together...
we sad together...
of cause been punish together...
many things unexpected happen...
but we learn from this...
that's why our gathering yesterday success...
we won't forget it and we can't forget it...
this process will be our amazing scouting memories forever...
in our heart forever...

Tuesday 27 March 2012

That's My Class——4T2

hehe... class...
very special class...
the smallest class but the noisy class...
every teacher go complain us...
of cause i'm not that guys who make the noise...
i just didn't do some teachers' work...
sleep on some teachers' lesson...
be late on some teachers' lesson only...
and of cause i failed some teachers' test...
on the pass exam i failed 6 subjects...
and i got no.6 in my class...
very satisfied with my malay...
i got the highest mark in my class...
i though i will get a very low marks...
the best result——english (the principle had said already our english is excellent)
the worst result——physics
still remember the first day i came...
i don't know them well...
but now we all had become good friends...

Siao kia us

Monday 19 March 2012

Back to school

morning go clean my primary school...
a bit change from days i have left...
see many ex-teacher...
they have change a lot...
not as slim as those days...
very hate about that government people...
tell them do things slow slow slow...
take photo quickly pot theis hands up...
drink water quickly pot theis hands up...
got people more suck...
asking for t-shirt...
what's the hell going on...
shopping time...
first go george town...
queensbay mall...
eat kfc...
see something very nice and creative...
then sunway carnival mall...
got popular book fair there...
but nothing right for me...
go eat ice-cream...
after that go carefour...
buy daily uses...
today very happy...
i have go three malls...
see many funny things...

Saturday 17 March 2012

Bougainvillea Patrol

Final Test
our patrol look very geng...
bt nt the best...
preparation done very fast...
almost ntg to do at scul...

Our Gadjet

Jw & Me

*phei ying...
 seem u no come final test so dunwan put u in
Posted by Picasa

Monday 27 February 2012

things keep on happen even u closed ur eye

hi !
back again...
long time no open...i think almost 3 week already...
u think i'm very hardworking on studying?
no no no...
actually i didn't study at all...
in those week...many things happen...
very sad after tat...
final test...
mayb is my last chance to go tat activities...
although nt so good at tat day...
bt i already giv al my heart 4 tis activities...
i cnt imagined tis is the last activities v bcom members...
some ppl at tat time make me pekcek...
they very nt responsible...
if u think tat's u...
sure u la...
bt i think the most make pekcek de won't admit it...
so if u admit u aren't tat ppl
last sat...
1st time v bcom incharged...
very dissapointed when c junior duno wat to do...
their attitude...
many knowledge they duno...
many f3 & f2 juz sit a side n dun brother abt f1...
many leader don't look lik a leader...
some ppl dun wan come...
they juz keep on giv excuse...
basic of marching also no do well...
2nd claz test...
nt bad la...finished half le...
hope i cn pass al...
dun wan to say...
monthly test...
walao...duno hw to do la...
duno test wat...
i think wil fail many subject...
sometimes i really wan to escape tis cruel world...
juz 4 1 giv me a break...
a little i cnt...
makes me suffer very hard...
bt my life keep on...and on

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Bad day-Tomorrow

tdy thaipusam...
me no celebrate de lah...
juz siok cuz holiday again...
go tuition add math...
omg no light at al tat room...
very creepy...
duno wat to do bt juz feel very cold...
juz lik in the movie...
in the dark room...
then u feel very chilly...
n somethg bad wil happen nex...
tml wil b a very bad day...
i think la...
my club nid solo harmonica tml...
they say arh f3 1st cum so muz giv them good memory...
bt bad 4 us...
omg ...y so fast de...
y choose me...
n i'm the 1st...
i duno wat to do in interview....
wat to say...
tml u al muz help me face tis lo...
i wil alwats go n disturb u al wat to do de...
u noe my pattern de la...
dun ignore me tml...
i really nid ur support...
dun think i'm very brave...
accually i'm chicken hearted when i'm alone...
then after tat formasi...
wan kisiao liao...
al thg in 1 day...
tml dun suddenly say gt 2nd claz test lo...
if nt cal ambulance 4 me...
juz kidding la...
if i really faint u al noe how to rescue me de...
mb u al cn sing song 4 me...

Tuesday 31 January 2012

What I do when everyone still sleeping...

morning 0:00 bai ti gong...
everyone start burning their $$$...
accually tdy no wan wake up so early...
oni 4 us...
y ?!
bcuz of tat...
tdy de mood very down very sleepy...
open my mouth again...
say wan 8 at there de...
bt everyone stil at home tat time...
some stil say wan sleep...
& some very teruk...
stil sleep!!!
u al muz thx x.qing...
she morning cal u al...
tdy do de thg better than laz time...
no weed again...
·clean the windows...
·classify rubbish...
hehe...v found somethg cn use in gtr...
very gai right...
·play v them...
s.hwa been indecent by a small boy...
ko lian...
mayb nex time she dun wan go there anymore...
eat lunch...
nasi kandar again...
very unlucky...
curry on my face...
very spicy my eye...
nex time dun wan go there eat again...
play swing
hiking to yu lan ting...
go there gt junior...
so change place...
playground there...
play more than do...
al ppl drink my spite...
cuz me no water on tuition...
then cum t.huay...
wasai round a big round 2 find us...
orange shirt again...

then go tuition...
very sampat...
s,hsian wan me take back newspaper...
at there very cold...
then plus raining...
oh yeah more chilly...
season there bcome winter...
many ppl no go...
half oni...
dinner——Pizza Hut
 pizza hut oh pizza hut
 kentucky fried chicken pizza hut

Saturday 28 January 2012

Samsung Galaxy Young

what's tat?
if u dun noe...
it means u r OUT !!!
Samsung Galaxy Young

i buy it on 26 january
1st time v my own money
not very expensive
it's smaller than galaxy ace a little bit
price also lower
bt al software same same
gt  free 5 original cover
jiawen mb u cn consider tis
gt many many advantages
duno how 2 say
bt i love it
Click here to check it out

Sunday 15 January 2012

Volunteer Day

tdy go do somethg very meaningful...
bcome a volunteer...
i reach gate 5 at many ppl stil at home tat time...
then go yu lan ting...
stil wait ppl come...
after weixuan fetch us go there...
i love u very much...
without u v nid to there by ourself...
again...10 ppl in one car...
hear lik very siok...
bt nvm la...
Pusat Harian Sinar Harapan
tat come us...
9 til 12 juz weed...
many ppl go there 4 volunteer...
bt y v nid to weed...?!
they al juz go there sing v them...
play v them...
brg food 4 them...
bt y nid to weed...?!
bcuz v r uniform body?...
yerrr....nt fair la...
then v go eat lunch...
nasi kandar...
eat roti susu...
same v sue hsian...
wanqi eat roti milo...
al ppl go try her lunch...
left a little 4 her...
pity her...
stil early so go Yes Yogurt...
oni sue hsian, tze huay & wanqi order food...
duno y they can eat a lot...
back to work again...
tis time no more weed...
v go play with them...
some of them very cute...
v make them happy...
they make us happy too...
oh...wat a wonderful day...

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Poetry Of The Day After

ytd i accidently saw a book...
......'Poetry Of The Day After'......

it was just like [You Are The Apple Of My Eye]
i buy it...
it cost only $15...
if nt misstake...
it was the endding of [You Are The Apple Of My Eye]...
the story start like tis...




Sunday 8 January 2012

New year New life

well well well...
al diferrent in tis year...
1st day to scul in 2012 i juz keep on laughing...laughing...& laughing...
mayb i wil b mad after 6 month if i keep on tis status...
not bcuz i'm crazy...
its the ppl in my claz keep on saying somethg nonsense...
& i didn't know where their nonsense idea came from...
teacher teaching me seems very nice accept oss...
tis ppl again?!...
wat the hell...
n u know wat she said when she 1st entered our claz...
"i'm very happy teaching tis claz bcuz juz a little of student in tis claz"
wat ?!...she said HAPPY?!...
its very unlucky 4 us...
then friday she wan us to make a video abt ship...
& the software she comment us to use its suck...
duno hw 2 use it...
duno y she think tat is good...
most of the ppl in my claz i duno them...
oni 2 ppl from b1-b4
others al b5-b8
they al know each other well bt nt me...
bt its quite good too...
mayb i wil b no.1 in tat claz...
juz kidding oni...
i don't know whether i can get top 3 or nt...
bcuz my malay is very very poor...
mayb i wil fail al my malay test tis year...
so difficult u know...
bt i wish i wil b in top 3 & go 5T1 nex year...
i think the scul look down at us...
they 4gt to arrange claz 4 us on the 1st day...
v found it stil didn't found it...
after assembly we go ask the teacher then know it...
its very unfair 4 us...
actually v all very smart de...
juz bcuz v accidently come to tis claz oni...
don't look down at us lo...
v wil make miracle too...
u wil c it...

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy 2012

what's going on...?!
i stil alive in 2012...
through mayan long calender tat is set 2 end its final cycle on 21st dec 2012...
no christmas tis year if mayan long calender is right...
nvm who care it...
v stil celebrate new year happily...
start planning everythg...
make new wishes...
try new thgs...
make more sweet memories...
more challenge...
new life...
new frenz...
new studies...
al different in tis year...

bye bye 2011