Love Music Love Me

Saturday 21 April 2012

21 April 2012 AGM & Anniversary

today miss bus again...
very gai right?
this is the second time i miss bus in this week...

weixuan just now you are so pretty...
kesian that kuali make you just look like ninja turtle...
*kidding only don't angry...>.<
then go meet patrol PL & ADV
mingxi madam made beautiful cards for us...
thank you so much...
Bougainvillea Patrol is the BEST !!!
meet ka...
yeah yeah...
present a lot...
My KA - Yee Swat madam

My KA present

present for my KA

meet form adviser...
Xinwei madam & Suxian madam
thanks for everything you have done for us...
we will always love you
Love You Forever

53rd Anniversary
凝结  那些年

thank you madam for everything you all have done...
no matter what is it we still appreciate...
without you...
i won't be here...
without you...
i 'm nothing...
so thank you madam...
we shall never say goodbye...

because without you my world is grey...
only you can make my world colourful...

because our memories full fill with you...
it's only complete with you...
you can't go...
we will always LOVE you

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